The Friends of Ten Mile River, Inc. (FoTMR) is a non-profit Corporation under the laws of the State of New York. FOTMR consists of past and present TMR staff, campers, volunteers and other supporters of TMR (unlike the Alumni Association, which is only Alumni). TMR is located in Sullivan County, New York. It has operated as a Boy Scouts of America camp since 1927. We are a private organization separate from the Alumni Association, the professional Staff of the Council, and have no legal affiliation with the Boy Scouts of America. We provide volunteers and support to Ten Mile River. This includes donations of equipment for summer program activities for the Scouts, service projects and volunteer assistance such as inspections. The Red Dot Trails is our official newsletter and is published several times a year. FoTMR continues to work with other GNYC committees, especially the Camping Committee towards the improvement of TMR. We encourage anyone who wishes to aid the camp or volunteer to join our group. Your efforts can be anything from writing an article for the newsletter, helping with service projects, donating to our FoTMR Endowment Fund, volunteering at camp or anything else to help TMR. We hope to see you all. |